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Claxton Law Group, LLC can help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety by assisting you in dealing with your probate issue in a sensitive manner that will be suited to your particular needs.

Wills & Estate Planning: Service

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Probate / Estate Planning: Services

LIVING WILL (Advance Directive for Healthcare)

Many people leave instructions to their loved ones regarding steps to take after their death by creating a Will, but neglect to give instructions to their loved ones about how they want to die. What happens if you are unable to communicate your wishes? How can you be sure that the decisions being made regarding the end of your life are in accordance with your wishes? The best way to ensure that you are able to make end-of-life decisions in the event that you are unable to communicate is to create an Advance Directive For Healthcare (formerly called a Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney For Healthcare).

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A Will is a document you create to give instructions on what you want to have happen to your property after your death.

You can use your Will to dictate the distribution of any property you own including: houses, cars, jewelry, furniture, paintings, and anything else of value to you.

Not all assets that you own will be distributed in accordance with your Will. Assets that require you to name a beneficiary, such as pension plans, retirement plans, and insurance proceeds, will pass to the person you have named as a beneficiary.

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